Jive Talkin’ perform The Bee Gees Live in Concert
Date27th September 2025
LocationAlbert Halls Bolton
Cost£26.00 plus booking fee
Time7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Renowned as the original and very best Bee Gees tribute show, and THE ONLY Bee Gees tribute show
that has actually performed with the original Bee Gees! In 1997 Gary & Darren from Jive Talkin’
performed LIVE on HEART FM with THE BEE GEES and received great compliments from both Maurice
and Barry Gibb.
As with the original Bee Gees, Jive Talkin’ is very much a family affair, with brothers Gary and Darren
Simmons taking the roles of Barry and Maurice Gibb, with Darren’s son Jack joining the group in 2014
and taking on the role of Robin Gibb. The guys are supported musically by a four piece band with Lead
Guitar, Violin, Cello and Drums, to ensure that every note in every song is just right!
Wherever the group play they receive superb plaudits; “The Soundalike quality is quite sensational” (The
Stage), “Amazing similarity to the real Bee Gees” (Wakefield Express), Absolutely Brilliant (Maurice
Gibb), WOW (Barry Gibb)………
For a truly amazing experience and an opportunity to hear all the great Bee Gees hits; Tragedy, Night
Fever, Massachusetts, Stayin Alive, Jive Talkin, etc, in a 2 hour explosion of music and vocal harmony,
this is a night not to be missed!.
Interested in this event?
Tickets can be purchased online or over the phone through Quay Tickets.